Patients will receive SMS text messages to book into clinics

Latham House Medical Practice are part of a trial programme to utilise the new SystmOne booking links. The new programme enables the Practice to send an SMS text message to patients to invite them to book appointments directly into clinics.

This option is currently only offered to patients being invited for their annual review.  At the moment, appointments can only be booked though this method, not amended or cancelled.

The process is as follows:

  1. The patient receives an SMS from NHS-NoReply advising them they are due for their annual health check.  The message will include the Practice email address.
  2. Patients will need to click on the link and enter their DOB to confirm identity (dd/mm/yyyy format). 
    • Click submit to proceed
  3. Patients will then be shown a list of available sessions for the date period in the drop-down list. 
    • Change the period and click Show to view more dates.  
    • Click View to look at appointment times for the given date / clinician
  4. Click Book to select an appointment slot
  5. Click Book Appointment to confirm the appointment
  6. Last screen shows confirmed appointment details



We are working to improve our Practice website

Please be aware that we are working to update our Practice website to ensure it meets the NHS accessibility standards.  Our new website should be available in August 2024.




Please order your repeat medication in good time.  If you need support, please contact the team direct by calling 01664 503000 and select the Prescriptions team option or email the team direct at [email protected]





Measles is extremely infectious and can be serious. If you have symptoms of measles, please stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. STAY AWAY from GP surgeries and A&E departments – you could spread the illness to others.

Go to for more measlesinformationUK.


Thank you


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