Dementia Support

For more information on local Dementia Support Services please click here

Organisations Supporting people with dementia

Leicestershire County Council  – Living with dementia guide to support in the county

Age UK – commissioned to provide a Memory Advice Service for individuals worried about their memory or who are waiting for an assessment at the Memory Clinic and a Dementia Support Service for individuals who have a formal diagnosis of dementia.

People can be referred in by professionals but can also self-refer by contacting the service on 0116 2237363 or via email at [email protected].

As well as personalised information and support and benefits advice being offered as the person requires, the service also facilitates a range of groups across the city and county.  These groups include post diagnostic information sessions, carer learning, memory cafes, cognitive stimulation therapy, music groups, woodworking groups, all designed to improve people’s wellbeing and confidence, and connect them with other people in a similar situation.  The service provides a Chai & Nashto group, which is run by Gujarati, Punjabi and Hindi speaking staff.  The service has also recently launched the Kumbukumbu Music & Memories group run in collaboration with the EAGA Gospel Choir, with the hope of providing an accessible group to individuals identifying as African or Caribbean.  A strong aim of this service is to provide people with information as soon as possible in order to increase their control, prevent crisis and enable them to plan for the future.  Working together with other organisations and community groups is essential to better meet the needs of our diverse community and provide equity of service.

– Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust – provides the Memory Assessment Service for Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. The service assesses and diagnoses people with suspected dementia and arranges treatment where appropriate.

The service also works closely with carers to support them and their relative through the assessment process. It also signposts carers so that they are getting the support they need. Recent improvements have seen the time taken to get  a diagnosis halved which means that our patients are able to live well with dementia sooner.

Healthwatch in LLR – representing the voice of the patient and carer

Recent, independent research conducted by Healthwatch in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland has highlighted inconsistencies in people’s access to, and use of, support services for dementia.

The new report Living with Dementia in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland presents detailed findings on people’s experiences of dementia services and makes clear recommendations regarding how improvements can be made.
Healthwatch Rutland can be contacted on 01572 720381. Healthwatch Leicester and Healthwatch Leicestershire can be contacted 0116 257 4999.



We are working to improve our Practice website

Please be aware that we are working to update our Practice website to ensure it meets the NHS accessibility standards.  Our new website should be available in August 2024.




Please order your repeat medication in good time.  If you need support, please contact the team direct by calling 01664 503000 and select the Prescriptions team option or email the team direct at [email protected]





Measles is extremely infectious and can be serious. If you have symptoms of measles, please stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. STAY AWAY from GP surgeries and A&E departments – you could spread the illness to others.

Go to for more measlesinformationUK.


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