How do I?

How to Register

Please print and complete the registration forms below and bring them with you to the surgery:

GMS1 registration form: GMS1

Adult Questionnaire: Adult full registration form.Registration Form – Adult

Child Questionnaire: Child full registration form.Registration Form – Child

Alcohol Questionnaire: .Alcohol Use Test

As a guide you will need to share with us photo identification (eg: current driving licence, passport) and proof of your current address (eg: recent utility bill).

If you have your medical card please bring this down with you as this will speed up the process of obtaining your medical records from your previous surgery.

Once you are registered with Latham House Medical Practice you will have the opportunity to state which General Practitioner you would prefer to see for all your general medical services.


Referring you for further opinions

The Practice doctors have a wealth of experience in different specialisms. Your registered doctor may wish to refer you to another GP within Latham House for a specialist opinion. All specialisms offered have been accredited by the Primary Care Trust and able us to offer our patients a quick appointment time within familiar surroundings. Should your care need more complex interventions, you will then be referred to another site and offered a CHOICE, this referral system is called “Choose & Book” and offers a choice of location for your appointment.

How to book a home visit

We ask that all requests for home visits are telephoned through on Melton 01664 503000 before 10.30 am.

Doctors will visit patients who are too ill to be brought to the surgery. All doctors prefer to see patients within our premises, as we have better facilities for examination and treatment than in your own home, so you will be asked to come down to the surgery whenever possible. Unfortunately, lack of transport is not a sufficient reason for requesting a home visit.

Mothers often worry about bringing babies and children to the surgery if they are unwell. It is usually quite safe to do so. If you are concerned that your child has an infectious disease, the receptionist will arrange for you to be seen without waiting with other patients. Your doctor will advise you on the telephone if you have any doubts.

How to obtain results of investigations

Patients with online access can book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and view their own health records and results via the AirMid or NHS App’s.

Patients can also contact the Practice to obtain recent test results by contacting the Practice on email at [email protected] or via Patient Triage (from the Practice website homepage) or by speaking directly to the reception team.

Alternatively, please telephone the surgery to obtain the results of hospital tests requested by the doctor or nurse. It is the patient’s responsibility to contact the surgery for the results of any tests we have performed.

Changing doctors

Changing doctors is very easy; please speak to a member of staff who will organise this for you. If you have any suggestions or complaints to raise at this time, please inform the staff so that a member of the management team can help you. We operate an in-house complaints procedure which is overseen by the primary care trust.





We are working to improve our Practice website

Please be aware that we are working to update our Practice website to ensure it meets the NHS accessibility standards.  Our new website should be available in August 2024.




Please order your repeat medication in good time.  If you need support, please contact the team direct by calling 01664 503000 and select the Prescriptions team option or email the team direct at [email protected]





Measles is extremely infectious and can be serious. If you have symptoms of measles, please stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. STAY AWAY from GP surgeries and A&E departments – you could spread the illness to others.

Go to for more measlesinformationUK.


Thank you


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