The Melton Times reports on second surgery for the town


The Melton Times newspaper have recently posted a story about the health authority formally committing to exploring a second GP surgery in Melton Mowbray.


Plans for second Melton GP surgery move big step nearer | Melton Times

Although we have not been formally involved in this discussion we have been asked to share a statement on the latest news.

Dr Matthew Riley, CEO of Latham House Medical Practice comments, “We are supportive of any initiatives that aim to improve access to healthcare for the community but we remain concerned with the reality of the significant recruitment challenges facing Primary care. The numbers of Doctors entering GP training has grown in recent years, but the overall strain in General Practice has led to difficulties retaining these people in Full-Time General Practice, when coupled with difficulties retaining GPs at the other end of their career, we are in a recruitment crisis nationally. These workforce shortages and rates of turnover inevitably impact on the GP services any GP Practice can deliver for patients. We look forward to engaging with the ICB further on this topic.”



We are working to improve our Practice website

Please be aware that we are working to update our Practice website to ensure it meets the NHS accessibility standards.  Our new website should be available in August 2024.




Please order your repeat medication in good time.  If you need support, please contact the team direct by calling 01664 503000 and select the Prescriptions team option or email the team direct at [email protected]





Measles is extremely infectious and can be serious. If you have symptoms of measles, please stay at home and phone your GP or NHS 111 for advice. STAY AWAY from GP surgeries and A&E departments – you could spread the illness to others.

Go to for more measlesinformationUK.


Thank you


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