Latham House Medical Practice announce award winning nurse!

Latham House Medical Practice are delighted to announce that Lead Nurse Care Co-Ordinator, Sarah Culpan has won a Cavell Star Award for going above and beyond for her patients.

Cavell Star Awards are given to nurses, midwives, nursing associates and healthcare assistants who shine bright and show exceptional care to one of three groups of people: Their colleagues, their patients or patients families
Teammate and Care coordinator Claire Dutton explains why Sarah is such a worthy winner,
“I nominated Sarah because she is an exceptional nurse who goes above and beyond for her patients and their families. I have only worked with her for a short time but have been really impressed with her clinical knowledge and the relationship she builds with her patients and their families.
“This trust without doubt helps enhance patient care. Equally she is a strong advocate, and this is evident in her collaboration with wider agencies and other health professional within the practice. She is an excellent role model for more junior nurses and a credit to the practice.”
Sarah leads a team of nurse care coordinators who provide support to patients with complex care needs.

Sarah reacted to winning her Cavell Star Award, “It was an absolute shock and surprise when I realised, I was being presented with an award and that it was my colleagues who had nominated me.

“People often say to me that I must have a hard job but I feel like I have the most rewarding job I could ask for. I feel very privileged to care for the patients I do. Being able to make a difference in just a small way makes my job every bit worthwhile.

I have met some wonderful patients and their families, that have let me into their lives to care for them at such a precious time. I feel very honoured and privileged. They have made me the nurse I am today.

Kerry Eaves, Head of Clinical Services commented “I’m delighted for Sarah and her team, this is well deserved recognition for the exceptional care and support they give to our patients, patient families and their colleagues at work.”
Paul Crosbie, Executive Manager at Latham House Medical Practice said, “This award is extremely well deserved for Sarah and her team who go above and beyond for their patients and families.”

More information about the award can be found here



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